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Raziil is a Management Information System (MIS) which can be a valuable tool for parents to track their children’s educational progress, attendance, and other related information.

Attendance Tracking:

An MIS can record and display real-time attendance data for students. Parents can access this information through a secure online portal or mobile app. This allows them to monitor their child’s attendance regularly and receive notifications for any unexcused absences.

Attainment Scores:

Raziil can store and update students’ academic records, including grades, test scores, and performance in various subjects. Parents can access these scores through the portal, enabling them to track their child’s academic progress over time.

Homework and Assignments:

Teachers can upload homework assignments, project due dates, and study materials to the MIS. Parents can view this information to help their children stay organized and complete assignments on time. They can also check whether assignments have been submitted or not.

Personal Details Update:

Parents can use the MIS to update their contact information, emergency contacts, and other personal details. This ensures that the Academy has the most up-to-date information in case of emergencies or for communication purposes.

Admission Applications:

 If parents want to apply for admission for their child, they can use the MIS to submit applications electronically. They can also track the progress of their application, receive notifications about application status changes, and submit any required documents online.


Raziil can facilitate communication between parents and teachers. Parents can send messages to teachers, schedule parent-teacher conferences, and receive important announcements and updates from the Academy.

Calendar and Events:

The system can display an annual calendar with important dates such as holidays, parent-teacher meetings, and Academy events. This helps parents plan their schedules and stay informed about Madrasah activities.

Progress Reports:

Periodic progress reports can be generated by the MIS, allowing parents to receive detailed insights into their child’s academic performance. These reports can include comments from teachers and recommendations for improvement.

Security and Privacy:

Raziil has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive student information. Access to personal data and academic records is restricted to authorized users, ensuring the privacy and security of student data.

User-Friendly Interface:

Raziil’s portal or app is user-friendly, making it easy for parents to navigate and find the information you need.